
You may ask why do we ask for donations, our answer is instead of having many annoying advertisements on our site, we ask for donations to help kept the site up. The donations would be used to help kept this site up and running. This site, while programmed for free, does have it costs in hosting and domain name. We ask for donations in a wide array of cryptocurrencies because we do not wish to turn a donator away just becuase we do not accept that coin as a donation.

How do we use your donations?

We use your donations to pay for hosting and domain name. Once those cost are offset, we save the rest in hope for the creation of our own faucet(s).

You can donate to any of the following address
Bitcoin: 13nozDLfcWPfn5RcwLuRaFSabUfgMCJUbL
Litecoin: LSNaQwdnFyp9gY6eyaRTamxRtzb99PYV5a
Dogecoin: DEu46oT4Cq6ucQKE5dtzcRZ5o99raY44fy